Comment to book Ramiz Daniz – Enigmatic discovery of Brazil

1) The theory of this book corresponds to a scientific and new approach to the historical period of time related to the discovery of Brazil.  This is a new theory because the Author studied important historical documents and revealed important knowledge about this period. This book / document is a significant contribution for the academic discussion and study of documents related to this historical period.  2) This book […]

Ramiz Daniz – The scientist passed ahead of centuries – Nasiraddin Tusi

Writing about the remarkable Azerbaijani scientist Nasiraddin Tusi, who has a great scientific heritage, is very responsible and honorable. Nasiraddin Tusi, who has a very significant place in the world encyclopedia together with well-known phenomenal scientists, is one of the most honorary personalities of our nation. It may be named precious stone of the Academy of Sciences in the East. […]

Ramiz Daniz – Enigmatic discovery of Brazil

Scientific research work “Enigmatic discovery of Brazil” is very significant for its essence in the field of geographical discoveries. Brazil was officially discovered on April 22, 1500 by Pedro Alvaresh Cabral by accident. At the result of my researches carried out for many years, it became clear that, the expedition sent by the king of Portugal Juan II under the […]