Ilanly Mountain and Hacha Mountain in the territory of Nakhchivan

Nakhchivan is located in the range of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains and is located in the area divided between East and West! Nakhchivan is the bearer of the memory of very ancient histories! The territory of Azerbaijan was recognized as the territory of “Ur” before the World Flood and in the stages after the World Flood. In many name carriers […]

Some words about “Molla Nasreddin” journal and teaching problems

The first number of Molla Nasreddin journal was published in 1906, April 7 in Tbilisi. It has been issued in 1906 – 1918 in Tbilisi, in 1921 in Tabriz, in 1922 – 1931 in Baki. The editor and author was Jalil Mammedguluzadeh. Entering the living sphere and being led by the open minded intellectualist as J.Mammedguluzadeh rejoiced the liberty friends […]