To the historical genesis of the tengric world view in Nakhchivan

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nnotation. The article informs that the cave “Askhabi-kakhf”, which occupies a peculiar place in the belief system of the Nakhichevan population, is a sacred place. The author, casting a retrospective look at the period before the emergence of world religions, characterizes “Askhabi- Kakhf” as a center of sun worship of the ancient Turks and gives a list of sacred cults in the cave sanctuary. The meaning of this sacred place, where people are currently drawn to find spiritual and moral peace in this center of faith, called the religious and monumental complex “Askhabi-kahf”, is described.
The researcher also notes that yalla dances, which are essentially related to the Tengrism faith, its ritual and ritual traditions, originated in the Nakhchivan region and spread widely. Emphasizes the relevance and scientific significance of the study of the yalla “Kochari”, which is one of such dances. Yalli “Kochari”, reflecting the cult of the Sun, is presented as a symbol of unity and a worldview consonant with the cosmogonic way of thinking of the ancient Turks. There is an exchange with readers of valuable ideas about its etymology, gleaned from sources. Variants of the yalla “Kochari”, which contains unity and Turkicism, written by ethnomusicologists in different years, become the object of research.
Keywords: Nakhchivan, “Askhabi-Kakhf” cave, sanctuary, Tengrism worldview, belief system, sacred cults, holy Quran, ceremonies and rituals associated with sun worship, circular dance, musical notation of yalla Kochari, variant 

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Nabıyeva F. R.

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