Comment to book Ramiz Daniz – Enigmatic discovery of Brazil

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1) The theory of this book corresponds to a scientific and new approach to the historical period of time related to the discovery of Brazil. 

This is a new theory because the Author studied important historical documents and revealed important knowledge about this period. This book / document is a significant contribution for the academic discussion and study of documents related to this historical period. 

2) This book is an important input from an academic and scientist of Azerbaijan that is studying this crucial historical period for Europe and the world. 

Prof. was very happy to know that the Author and the Republic of Azerbaijan show great interest about Portugal and the Portuguese history. This book consists and represents a cultural and academic bridge between our two countries and also with Brazil, country with whom Portugal has significant relations. 

3) From the point of view of the readers the Prof. considers that this book shall be a significant reference not only to academic scientists but also to common readers interested in this matter. 

4) With this book the Portuguese and Brazilian readers may look to Azerbaijan with different eyes and new perspectives. 

Azerbaijan and the Author shall be viewed in a more friendly and closer perspective, the readers shall feel cherished. This is a very important historical period for both Portugal and Brazil.

Even the readers would like to know where Azerbaijan is geographically located and probably want to learn about the country.

Professor Jorge Gonçalves, a Portuguese anthropologist and humanist academic


Müəllif  və “AqRa” EİDİB Azərbaycan Respublikasının Mərakeşdəki səfirliyinin birinci katibi Bayram Məmmədbəyliyə kitabları təbliğ edərək, yuxarıdakı rəyin göndərilməsində göstərdiyi zəhmətə görə minnətdarlığını bildirir. 

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