“ABOUT ADAM’S LANGUAGE” During milleniums there are talks among people about that God after creating holy prophet Adam taught him words and speaking. We meet respective information about it in sacred writings, and mainly in the Qurani-Karim. But up to date this issue has not been studied scientifically, there have not been conducted appropriate research works on linguistics. Therefore, the […]

By Portions, by Parts

Every condition is by quanta, by parts. Human also eats by quanta, by parts. He swallows the food by quanta, by parts. But he lives his life in a single portion, single part, and it is not by quanta, by parts. Our heart beats by quanta, by parts. Body, internals, thoughts are by quanta, by parts. His breath, his speech, […]

The Second Life Starting from Aries

The Second Life Starting from Aries   What happened on the Earth on the eve of the worldwide storm? Earth core was activated to such an extent that all masses in deep layers of the earth and on the earth were in roughness. As a result of that roughness waters, water basins were waving in accordance with the core activity. […]

The Constellations are Initial Calendars

At the stages of history the Noah’s Deluge had happened. The people who escaped that historical deluge continued taking new beginner steps with great belief and faith. The people of that period kept in their memory Noah’s Deluge and their rescue from that storm, alongside with it, they saved in history that period by means of symbols on stones, rocks […]