The Rule of Need

If to look around attentively, to look at conditions, the all conditions are in connection with each other! It is impossible to function on the earth witout Quantum physics, Quantum mechanics! Considering Quantum physics, quantum condition and Quantums conception, these are the “Rule of Need”, and Quantum is its internal state! Just like all condition are in need of each […]


There was such a Doctrine of Sufis, “Imagine, but do not Image!”. That is: How can you Image the thing that you cannot Imagine? Realize! How can you Interpret the thing that you cannot Realize?” The Universe is a Mystery! How can you Interpret the Universe, that Mystery, not Realizing the Universe? How can you Explain God’s Sayings, “His” Mysteries […]

The Low of Timeless – Untimeliness…

As far as we consider all States, all Consequences, all Structures, all Speeds and Motions, we see that they are in Unstoppable, Interminable Condition! And there have to be reasons of such a structure of all these! But what are and where are the reasons? Referring on astronomy and astrophysics, Astronomy science has such a conclusion that the Universe exists […]

Salvation with Excellency Noah and the Territory

In the historical sources Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan situated between the east and the west took unique place in the works of many historians and annalists. Nakhchivan situated between the east and the west was renowned, become famous and attracted attention both with its territory and historical stages and its historical figures. Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan territory lingered in minds and in […]

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