Salvation with Excellency Noah and the Territory

In the historical sources Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan situated between the east and the west took unique place in the works of many historians and annalists.
Nakhchivan situated between the east and the west was renowned, become famous and attracted attention both with its territory and historical stages and its historical figures.
Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan territory lingered in minds and in history also as the land of Light, Fire.
Saying light, fire, it had the meaning of hope, motive, regulator, making capacity by equalizing, dividing, multiplication (bringing to result), making distance, color division, equalizing the temperature (spectral) limits, creator and etc.
Primary people who had settled down in Nakhchivan territory had sedentary life, and realized that the Light concept was the initial start of creative work.
Comprehending that their territory and they themselves are the bearers of Light, they were not violating creative Light conditions and were saving them.
This concept, this behavior protecting their territory and people, alongside with it, involved them to creativity, thinking, making to think.
All these being bearer of the primay reason, also meant salvation and being saved.
There is the storm of Excellency Noah’s period in history. At the following stage there is Excellency Noah’s salvation and rescue in that territory between Gami-gaya, Aghri Mountain.
Very ancient history was divided into two stages. cultures of the stage before Noah’s Storm, Excellency Noah’s period and the period after that stage.
Very puzzling moment is: what was the reason of that storm which happened on the whole surface of the Earth, and what was the reason of salvation of the Prophet Noah and the people living in that territory during the storm?
The Prophet Noah’s rescue from that storm at the same time was his rescue by that territory.
The Prophet Noah’s Flood, that reached us by means of history, divine Books, being memory of salvation is very important historical fact.
Nakhchivan territory and people rescued from that horrible Storm which reached us through history.
Because in that territory the people used to call Light, Tengri, Tangri, Tanri both before the storm and after the storm.
But the heaviest moment was that, alongside with highness and sound of mountains heavy rain pouring uninterruptedly from darkened cloud was more terrible.
Disappearance of the sun from sight created such expression that salvation was impossible. The people terrified were looking for sunlight, direction of the sun on the sky.
The hope and salvation was in territory and in Light among darkness. The call was towards Tengri and Light.
The storm, continuous rain made to loss count of days.
Gradual lighting of the sky, abating of storm and rain was creating greater belief in salvation.
The people’s salvation was in the Sun among dark clouds, in that Light.
But absence of Light among rain pouring uninterrupedly from dark clouds and water waves was more fearful and terrible. It was like the “last day, last night”.
Lighting of the sky, movement of the clouds away, appearance of the sunlight when the storm and rain started abating gradually was bringing great hope for salvation.
At the following stages that rescued people considered the Sun the symbol of the people’s salvation, remembering their cries and shouts during the storm, remembering the Sun at the moment of cessation of the storm, celebrating appearance of Light with joyness and dance.
(On K.Brullov’s painting canvas entitled “Pompei’s Last Night” hopelessness of human was described).
Call of Light, call of sunlight and salvation with that call in that territory leaving its deeper mark in memory of the people who rescued together with the Prophet Noah’s family turned into significant event.
At the following stages the Ligh remained in memories as start and salvation, and Tanri (God) – as a protector, savor.
Prophet Noah’s family and the people of that period declaring that territory, that geography, that nation, language, that period, that nationality, those traditions, also rescued having leading (dominant) function, calling those people to the Universe, to sciences, declared again that “the people are part of the Universe and Creation”, and its integral part.
Prophet Noah’s family and the people of that period could rescue during the Storm between the Gami-gaya and Aghri mountains. That territory had its geographic name before the storm. At the following historical periods this territory turned into bearer of many new names related with Prophet Noah’s name.
In the further periods the people started expressing that salvation moment, help moment and start with sunlight with dynamic dances symbolizing gratitude to the sun.
Stay on semicircle indicated that the dancers stay in front of sunlight and the sun. And at night they called the light symbolizing the sun “yalov”, “halov”, “alov” (fire) and saved it in mind.
In further historial periods that performance was called Yalli (name of national dance).
Yalli as the first dynamic dance of fun at the periods after Prophet Noah’s storm belongs to the territory called Nuhashan (Nurashan) between the mountains Gami-gaya and Aghri-dagh.
Yalli as a genre was not brought in Nakhchivan territory from aside. Making Yalli is performance of salvation and fun expressing that historical event, its history is very old.
Our grandfathers and fathers always making Yalli at wedding ceremonies by all means, firing tourches celebrated salvation in that territory, looked at light with gratitude and hope.
Yalli dancing groups performed Yalli wearing in red and the leader dancer going first in the dancing line held red kerchief in his hand. Red expresses light, heat.
Yalli genre is performed with zurna (national musical instrument) being wind instrument.
Zurna, attendant zurna and drum accompany Yalli dancers.
Musical instrument Zurna is leading by its sounding timbre and call all musical instruments to the same high sound order.
Musical instrument Zurna being the leading sound is also a bearer of the territory name such as Zurvan, Zangazur, Astazur and etc.
Even if that Zurna sounds from distance, its sound frequency, sound timber does not change depending on distance. It keeps unchanged the same sound timber. It calls, hails, awakes, makes to think, elevates.
Musical sound of Zurna is call to fortitude, courage, heroism, to sticking out chest against torments, self-affirmation, declaring secrets, finding rescue and hope among darkness.
That musical instrument is a tender eulogizer of the sound of the universe.
The people of that period remained bearers of belief both before the storm and after the storm. They knew that light is creator and reproducer.
Heat is reproduced from that light, fire (“yalov”, “halov”, “alov”) is reproduced from that heat. The fire, the heat is required and always will be required by all creatures, masses, things, all mankind.
The universes also were created in need for that Absolute Light, heat.
If there is not the Sun, there would not be heat on the Earth. If there is not light, there would not be heat. If there is not heat there would not be movement, planting, reaping and there would not be results. There would not be human, living creatures. These were one of the reasons of salvation of the people of that period.
Urfani Yalli dance: Ur-mi (three directions), ur-va (amount of flour used making lavash (lavash – bread baked of the thinly rolled dough)). That urfa is bearer of the function of collection with each other.
Urfani territory in yalli is bearer of unity concept, of fun.
All above stated, the fact that the venerable tar player (tar – an Azerbaijani stringed folk musical instrument) Akram Mammadli’s son Kanan Mammadli collected our Yallis and recorded them by notes, is very great historical event.
Nakhchivan territory itself is very interesting territory.
There is interest provoking lake in Nakhchivan territory.
That lake is situated at the distance of 80 km from Nakhchivan city, to the North-East, on the Zangazur chain of the Lesser Caucasus mountains, in the territory of Shahbuz near Batabat.
There is a lake in summer pasture in mountains near the spring Zor-bulag.
Water of Zor-bulag does not flow in that lake.
The interesting moment is that the natural lake (with medium water capacity) situated near Zor-bulag is of oval (ellipsoid) type.
That lake of oval type is complete indicator of the time of sunrise and sunset.
The island moving continually in the lake inidcates time of movement of the Earth around the Sun.
That island moving in the lake (it is of ellipsoid type) moves along the line dividing the oval into two equal parts lengthwise from the South to the North. Structure of the lake points at the South and the North.
Before sunrise Ush the island stays on the south shore of the lake.
After sunrise, during the day that island moves from the South shore to the North shore along a straight line.
It is interesting that from the moment of sunrise to the time of sunset the island reach the North shore.
The moving island completes the distance overcame by the Sun during a day on the Northern shore.
Though the sun set, during night that island continuously moves towards the Southern shore and meets the morning sun on the southern shore of the lake.
That is, though the sun passed to another hemisphere, the island accompanies movement of the Sun synchronously.
With this movement that island in the lake never changes its movement speed, unmistakably “notes” fall of sunlight on the Earth (in spite of that the weather is cloudy or it is winter), and angular movement of the Earth around the sun.
The history of this lake (of medium water capacity) is very-very old.
The island in the lake turnes into indicator of the height angle, movement angle of the sun with respect to the Earth, its division by degrees.
It shows movement trajectory of the sun.
That lake, that island from Nakhchivan territory accompanies the sun with gratitude and joy.
Another interesting gem of architecture in Nakhchivan city is the tomb of Momina-Khatun constructed on the rock chain.
The tomb consists of ten inscriptions. That grandoise tomb was constructed on one support. Ten inscriptions of that tomb are bearers of deep meaning. That is, the morning sun rising (from the East) lightens one of the inscriptions, and sunset completes the day lightening the same inscription on the West.
Abubakr Ajami Nakhchivani constructed the tomb of Momina-Khatun on a sacred mountain chain.
That mountain chain has holiness, protector and rescuer features.
The mountain chain starts upwards from present Khal-Khal forest from the north-east. Passing through Nakhchivan city it goes down in the direction of Ashabul-Kahf (seven fugures) of Nehram village near the Araz River.
Many water springs, underground waters flow from that rock chain.
There is a spring in the beginning of Sarvanlar district (nothern direction) in Nakhchivan city. On that rock chain, to the south, there is Kabla Musa spring. After approximately 2,5 km Gizlar Bulagi spring is located. (Very pure and cool water leaks from rock stones between bold cliffs of that Gizlar Bulagi spring. Though many times buffalo carts, horse carts, old people, children fell because of carelessness from the top of those rocks, from very high distance on the rocks, they remained alive and even did not get any injuries. And the people made sure again that this part of rocks is bearer of holiness)
On that rock chain located in Sarvanlar district the houses of Mirish-agha, Mirishli family situated. Afterwards grandiouse mosque complex was constructed in the place of their house.
In former times a spring was flowing after Gizlar Bulagi on the distance of approximately 1 km, below the tomb of Momina Khatun.
Construction of the tomb in that place, on the height has three meanings. Firstly, the rock chain was sacred, the tomb was surrounded by light of sunrise and sunset, and flowing spring below that tomb (that place is also called Khan Diki (Kings Height)) protected it from underground water, from dampness.
But because of clogging of origin of the spring that flew below the tomb in former times, and collection of underground waters behind, the tomb started getting dampness, and the Northen side of the tomb become very damp.
After the tomb of Momina Khatun there is Prophet Noah’s grave, Noah’s tomb.
Prophet Noah’s tomb is on height, on that rock chain. A spring flows below it as well. That flowing spring, location of Noah’s tomb, the tomb of Momina Khatun on it, grandiouse Mosque complex, Gizlar Bulagi and etc. have their meaning.
They did not choose their place, that place chose them. Sarvanlar district in the city is also situated on that rock chain.
The roads part from the place called four roads in the city – on the north: Shahbuz, on the west: Sharur, on the east: Ordubad, on the south: Nakhchivan city.
Since very ancient times Nakhchivan territory was well-known, remained in history as salt way and Silk way because of very elastic and transparent silk. It took place in historical stages with Prophet Noah as well.
Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan territory is the territory of Light. It is known from history that many commanders had made military marches to Azerbaijan, especially to Nakhchivan with their army. They wanted to capture Nakhchivan territory, the light territory. Nakhchivan people struggled with courage, every fighter was a commander.
But the ending of those marches was return of those commanders and armies from that territory after a while. Thereby that commander and army was defeated in this territory.
Because Azerbaijan territory initially has had its Light Master, and it is impossible to own that Absolute Light Master.
Vahid Rzayev
It was printed in the “Azad Azerbaijan” newspaper
on 24.06.2014 N87 (2532)
The texts were republished in English by “AqRa” PASAS by financial support of the Council of State Support to Non-State Organizations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Translated by Amiraslanova Kamala Ahad gizi