Davud Pashayev Huseyn

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Davud Pashayev Huseyn was born in 1940 in Ostashevo, Moscow oblast, Russia.

He was a first-rate business leader in RF and organizer of the atomic shipbuilding. He is a Hero of Russia.


In 1963 Pashayev graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute. He was one of the first graduates of the Energy Department of this higher school on the specialty of “Projecting and exploitation of atomic power installations”. So, having such a diploma the young specialist started working in the fiftieth department of “Sevmash”. Being master of riggers he was direct participator of submarine construction – initially in the 50th department, and then in the stockpile-delivery manufacture.


Studying submarines Davud Pashayev simultaneously was studying the people. Just overall knowledge of this subtle matter allowed the delivery mechanic to rise on new, more significant height. Thus, the factory was completing the third construction so that to master construction of the submarines of third generation, and just in this period Davud Pashayev directed stockpile-delivery manufacture, and then he became the chief engineer of the enterprise, which was strongly developing industrial, scientific-technical and intellectual potential.


Turn for the market economy caught Davud Pashayev in the capacity of the general director of the production association. Merits of the general director of “Sevmash” factory is huge and undeniable just because he could save technical and manufacture potential of the factory and its work collective during the hardest economic conditions of the last ten years.


Well-known writer and publicist Alexander Prokhanov wrote large material about him under the headline “The Factory of a Pole Star” (the “Zavtra” newspaper, No 30 (688) of December 2006). The author remembering energetic work of the former director of the well-known “Sevmash” factory emphasizes the followings:

“When financing was “chopped off”, and when not completed state order filled the stocks with huge steel half-finished products, the factory already was ready for catastrophe. The predecessor of Pastukhov, genius Azerbaijani Davud Huseynovish Pashayev having foreseen the trouble of “defense industry”, listening to Gorbachov’s pacifist twitter, reading “restructurers’” reports about unilateral armament, started seeking for orders from gas manufacturers of the North and oil industry of Sakhalin, and he did not disdain manufacture of “small carriages” and pipeline elements. But, above all, having finally got the order for submarines not having steel for their manufacture (as the main steel provider “Azovstal” was henceforth abroad and was charging exorbitant prices) the director found “Solomon’s solution”. He decided to use the intermediates for previous boats, which were not fated to come on the scene, giant cylinders which were lying in the storehouse and stocks, for new vessels which had been projected in consideration of the ready elements. It realized dead “intermediates”, unloaded the stocks, gave fast push to construction”.


Thereby, in the hardest economic conditions of 90s of XX century D.H.Pashayev could save all levers of “Sevmash” – both technical and industrial – and its work collective. It required from the leader, not only talent for organization, as it is already known, but also courage. That is why Davud Pashayev’s merits and selflessness are honored with the title of The Hero of Russia.


In April, 1992 two graduates of Ural Polytechnic Institute – the first president of Russia and the future first president of the Russian State Center of Atomic Shipbuilding (RSCAS) met in “Sevmash”. The main outcome of that meeting became establishment of the RSCAS with granting to “Sevmash Enterprise” priority right for construction of the atomic submarines.


One more meeting is remembered by Davud Pashayev with delight. It is the meeting with his compatriot Vahid Alakparov, as a result of which it was reached principal agreement on construction of five ice class tankers of “LUKoil” in the shipyards of the center.

Northern-western governors actively support “LUKoil-Archangels” company directed by Oleg Pashayev.


After outlet of “Gepard” to the area of mooring trials Davud Pashayev put in front of delivery team the task to prepare navigation systems of the vessel for float out in sea in maximum short time. “Gepard” is nineteenth delivery ship of the director general and it was constructed in the fiftieth department, where Davud Pashayev’s engineer biography started.


The head rocket cruiser “Tayfun” was installed in “Sevmash” more than 20 years ago, and the last strategic rocket carrier – more than ten years ago. The latest date among these became November 2, 1996, when it took place installation of the head submarine rocket cruiser of strategic purpose of new project “Borey”.


Davud Pashayev invited high guests from Moscow to the ceremony on this occasion. Fitting board with name of the rocket carrier “Yuriy Dolgorukiy” in the ceremony was backed by mayor of Russian capital Yuriy Lujkov. “Yuriy Dolgorukiy” is going to be the one thousand first submarine constructed in Russia after October of 1917. It would be the best vessel of this class in the world.


Going a bit back, we should note that in June of the last year it was launched in Severodvinsk the heavy submarine atomic cruiser of strategic purpose class “Akula”, that was modernized in submarine of the last, fourth generation. Davud Pashayev stated on this occasion: “This is practically new ship supplied with the most modern equipment and systems for active service for long period”.


From 1977 to 1989 in “Sevmash” there were constructed 6 such submarines-catamarans with 175 m length and 22,8 m width, with up to 33,8 thousand tons’ displacement. The submarine can rise its speed up to 27 units under water and to sink into 400 meters. It has 19 modules and two atomic reactors with 50 thousand horsepower each. Crew of “Akula” is 170 persons. 20 launching shoes of ballistic rockets are adopted by it.


During more than 40 years of work in the first-rate shipyard in Europe 64 submarines were constructed with his participation. Davud Pashayev directed “Sevmash” during twelve years and finally left “Sevmash” of his own free will. However, Davud Huseynovish kept post of president of RSCAS.


Davud Huseynovish was a member of the Public Chamber of Russian Federation and Central Council of All-Russia Azerbaijan Congress, was awarded with many orders and medals.


D.H.Pashayev deceased in 2010.


From the book “The Sons of the Land of Fire in the History of Russia” by Ramin Mammadov. Baki, “Ziya”, 2011, p. 99

Translated by Kamala Amiraslanova


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