Mapas de Almirante Pirí Reís, Paolo Toscanelli y Martin Waldzemüller – I Part

Enmis observaciones anterioreshe definido que el navegante genovés antes de realizar su primer viaje trasatlántico ya disponía el mapa en el que habían trazados los contornos del territorio de una tierra enorme situada en el oeste de Atlántico. Precisamente mediante este mapa había compuesto el proyecto que les presentaría a los Reyes Católicos. Investigar la raiz del mapa misterioso de […]


It is a great happiness to know your own history. Each page of the history of our culture is rousing an interest. Turning over these pages the big way of life that our great grandfathers have passed is being revived in front our eyes. While learning our history, culture, our memories become strong and more increases our love. We mustn’t […]

“NUH’s Arc and the Gamigaya-Gobustan alphabet” “Summary”

A few days ago was republished the book of the famous Azerbaijani scientist Azhdar Farzali (1937-2011) “NUH’s Arc and the Gamigaya-Gobustan alphabet”. We will note that, the author for the first time discovered the Alphabet of ancient Azerbaijan on Nakhchivan’s rocks, in Gobustan near Baku, other archaeological monuments, and on carpets of Azerbaijan. The image of NUH’s Arc in Gamigaya […]

“The Travel Book” by Johann Schiltberger as the source on history and geography of the Nakhchivan region of Azerbaijan

One of the sources giving interesting information on historical geography of the Nakhchivan region in the Middle Ages is “Reisebuch” or “The Travel Book” by German military man and traveler Johann Schiltberger, devoted to his travel through Europe, Asia and Africa from 1394 to 1427. J.Schiltberger, who visited many countries of Europe, Asia and Africa – Hungary, Bulgaria, Wallachia, Moldavia, […]

Los viajes de Américo Vespucio a los países mediterráneos I Part

I Part – “Los viajeros europeos aspiran al descubrimiento del mundo”   Ya al fin del siglo XV Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli (1397-1484) se consideraba un científico bastante famoso y tenía fama afueras de los Apeninos. No es extraño que los capitanes, navegantes se aconsejaban con él ántes de iniciar sus navegaciones distantes.Colón también hizo prácticas al lado de Toscanelli […]

Los viajeros europeos aspiran al descubrimiento del mundo – I Part

Desde muy antíguo los humanos con el fin de ocupar nuevos  territorios empezaron a descubrirlos empleando los métodos primitivos y prosiguieron este  proceso a través de los siglos. Los astrónomos, geógrafos, cartógrafos, viajeros, investigadores y historiadores haciendo todo lo posible habían realizado las investigaciones con objeto de enterarse de la estructura de la Tierra. Aunque se sabían tres continentes, sus […]

Salvation with Excellency Noah and the Territory

In the historical sources Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan situated between the east and the west took unique place in the works of many historians and annalists. Nakhchivan situated between the east and the west was renowned, become famous and attracted attention both with its territory and historical stages and its historical figures. Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan territory lingered in minds and in […]

Nakchivanian painters` activities in the first half of the XX century

The article has been devoted to the Nakhchivanian painters Bahruz Kangarly`s, Huseyn Aliyev`s, Shamil Gaziyev`s, Mammad Gasimov`s activities who lived in Nakhchivan in the first half of the XX century. The same the aut-hor dealt with the Nakhchivanian paintersAyyub Huseynov`s, Ayyub Fatali-yev`s, Jamil Mufitzada`s, Ibrahim Safi`s and Akbar Kazimbayov`s activities who was born and grown up in Azerbaijan but busy […]

El ¨tercer¨ viaje de Américo Vespucio

El contable florentino durante su ¨tercer¨viaje había descubierto ¨las costas del Nuevo Mundo¨ ante sus contemporáneos. Tendré que presentar un breve crónica de este viaje. Vespucio que se puso al servicio de los portugueses en 1501 se invitó a la expedición de Gonzalez Cuelho como un navegador. Según la instrucción los resultados de la expedición exploradora en Brasil tendría que […]

The meeting of the Scientific Council was held at the Institute of Folklore

On the 4 th of May the regular meeting of the Scientific Council was held at the Institute of Folklore ANAS . Giving the information about the problems the secretary of the Scientific Council, the correspondent member of the ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov opened the meeting. The first problem of the meeting was about the  individual work plans of post graduate […]

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