Professor Fuad Veliyev

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AZ-1065, Baku, Azerbaijan,

F.Ibrahimbeyov str. 5, apart. 53



Primary and Secondary school, 1953-1963;

Azerbaijan State Petrol University, Faculty of Power Engineering, 1963-1968;

Graduates with a first-class honors degree;

Post-graduate Courses of the same University, Faculty of Mechanics, 1969-1973

 Academic and Scientific Degrees and Diplomas:

Candidate of technical Sciences (Ph.D.); Moscow, 1974

Associated Professor; Moscow, 1979

Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.); Moscow, 1985

Professor; Moscow, 1987

Certificate of Achievement (Management Concepts; Strategic and International Management, Production/Operating Strategy); Georgia State University, USA, 2002

Employment and Positions:

Azerbaijan University – Professor of Azerbaijan University, 2009 September – present

Assistant Professor – Azerbaijan State Petrol University, Department of Theoretical Mechanics, 1970-1979;

Associated Professor of the same Department, 1979-1986;

Professor of the same Department, 1986- present;

Professor of Physics – Kocaeli University, Turkey, 1994, 1995

Dumlupinar University, Turkey, 1996, 1997;

Faculty Member – Georgia State University (USA) and ASOA MBA Program, 2001 – present

Visiting Professor – Texas-Station University, Amoco Research Center, USA, 1993;

Ege University, Istanbul University, Ankara University, Turkey, 1994-1997

Georgia State University, USA, 2002 – Scientific and Educational Missions;

Director – Center of “Renewable Energy and Energy Saving  Technologies”,

International Eco-Energy Academy, 1999 – present.

Professional Affiliations: Member of the Council for the awarding scientific Ph. D. degrees/Oil and Gas                                                                                      Production/ 

Member of the Scientific Council “Problems of the Mechanics” Azerbaijan State National Academy

Teaching Specialization: Theoretical and Engineering Mechanics;

General Physics;

Strength of Materials;

Fluid Mechanics;


Physics of Oil-Recovery Processes;

Management Concepts; Strategic and International Management,

Production/Operating Strategy

Themes of Scientific Works: Rheophysical problems

Problems of Magnetic Hydrodynamics

Electrokinetik principles of Transfer Processes

Control of Oil-recovery Processes by Physical Fields

Effect of Negative Pressure in Natural and Technological processes

Thermohydrodynamical Effects in Heterogenous Systems in pre-transition zones

Linear and Non-linear Waves in Hydraulic systems

Influence of change of solar activity on thermohydrodynamical processes on the Earth

Problems of strategic management

Thesis fo degree of Ph. D. “Investigation of Rheological properties of ferrofluids as applied to Oil recovery processes”

Thesis for degree of D.Sc. “Theory and practice of using of physical fields for control of oil and gas production processes”

Publications: 120 scientific works including the 1 monograph (“Applied thermodynamics”, Moscow, 1986), 2 textbooks, 15 patents

Participation in conferences:  Attended more than 30 international scientific conferences held in USA, Russia, Germany, Turkey, Hungary, etc/

Languages skills: Azeri, Turkish, English, Russian

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